General News

July 2024 News Update

Gordon Giltrap with Bert Jansch guitar

Gordon Giltrap with Bert Jansch guitar. Photo by Susan Lilley

Bert Jansch Fylde Guitar

I am now the proud owner of a very special guitar with I think a very interesting history attached to it.

Way back in 1971 I met a young man named Roger Bucknall at a folk club who informed me that he made guitars and brought along a sample of his work. What he showed me was a beautifully made instrument. This lead on to Rog making one for me. The rest as they say is history. Within a very short time Roger had formed Fylde guitars.

This guitar was made especially for Bert Jansch 50 years ago so has a very interesting history attached to it. A major guitar magazine want to do a feature on it so more info will follow over the next few months but in the meantime do enjoy the photographs.

Tracy Sollis Trust

It's amazing to think that it has been 30 years that I have been privileged to be a patron of the Tracy Sollis Leukaemia Trust and last month at the Henrician Theatre in Evesham Carrie Martin and I took part in a fundraising concert for the charity. The audience were great, the sound was great, the lighting was great and in attendance was the Mayor and his lovely wife.

Carrie did a fine opening set, I did my usual thing and to top it all over two thousand pounds was raised for the cause, probably the highest figure since I have been involved as a fundraiser.

This was the first gig for the charity I have done since Hilary passed so it was a bitter sweet affair for Carrie and I but we came through OK.

My thanks go to Carrie, Sue Sollis and all involved in the organisation of the evening and also to our pal Mark Guyatt for looking after Carrie and I so well on the night.

God willing, I hope I can continue to be involved in this charity that is very close to my heart.

Northern Sky.

I may have mentioned in these pages a while back about a cracking 2005 novel called Northern Sky written by Mark Radcliffe about a folk club and the many characters that surround the story.

It's a great and very amusing read and the reason I mention it is because reference was made to a certain GG Fylde guitar. I have photographed the cover and the relevant page for your amusement.

Nick Mason's Saucer Full of Secrets gig

Last month I was invited to attend a concert at Birmingham's Symphony Hall, a venue that holds fond memories for me from my concert there many years ago now.

The invite came from my old friend Lee Harris who is guitarist in the band Nick Mason's Saucer Full of Secrets who perform the music of Pink Floyd up until Dark Side of the Moon.

I can't confess to being in tune with this kind of music but show great respect for the genre which the band created way back then with their original guitarist and genius the late Syd Barrett, and we all know how massive the band reputation and great reverence for guitar legend Dave Gilmore is.

This photo is of Spandau Ballet founder member and genius songwriter Gary Kemp on the left and bass player Guy Pratt.

My friend Susan and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening and a huge thankyou to Lee for inviting us and who presented me with some very rare Fretlocks that I had been searching for months ago.

I love this pic of Lee Harris and I taken after the concert. Lee was going to manage me at one point, but circumstances changed, he got married and moved to France. A good decision methinks. Lee is a brilliant guitarist and lovely chap and I'm proud to know him.

Here's another pic taken after the Nick Mason's Saucer Full of Secrets concert with keyboard player Dom Bekan. I'm always a tad flattered when musicians especially prominent ones want their picture taken with me. I always assume that wouldn't know who I am, so it does give me warm feeling when that happens...a bit of an ego trip maybe to my shame who knows..grin..grin.

Callum Graham

I was invited to attend an intimate gig by my friend Gary Hudson last month of Canadian guitarist Callum Graham.

Callum is one of the new generation of percussive guitar players that can make the guitar sound like a complete rhythm section. He is well worth checking out if you want to see someone who is master of his chosen craft in that area. It’s really clever stuff.

Thanks for the invitation, Gary.

Mick Johnson guitar

You may remember that I shared some news about a new guitar that I had just acquired made by master guitar builder Mick Johnson.

Here I am holding this thing of beauty. Well after much deliberation and soul searching, I came to the conclusion that I really couldn't do it justice and give it the full use that it deserved.

It’s very rare that I part with a guitar that swiftly but Mick being the gentleman he is was fine with it being returned. It deserves to be in the hands of the right player.

All that aside, Mick and I have plans for a possible resonator guitar being created by the great man for me at some point.

Bless ya guv.

Forthcoming Fundraising Gig

I am delighted to be playing a fundraising event shortly in Lower Broadheath near Worcester. Details below.

Gordon Giltrap : calendar : Saturday, July 13, 2024 : Gordon Giltrap in concert : Christ Church : UK

John Etheridge Tour update

Well, I think it's safe to say that the Etheridge/Giltrap tour was a success! To prove it my agent has booked a TWENTY date tour for October 25! Details will be going on the website as and when. We do have an isolated gig together later this summer in Kent on 31st August. Details HERE

At my age I don't make plans anymore, I just hope that when the time arrives that all will be well and one can move forward...

Here's an interesting quote from my old mate Nicko McBrain, Iron Maiden's drummer:


Glastonbury 1981

Someone very kindly sent this through to me.

On the pyramid stage at Glastonbury with my then band. Chas Cronk on bass, Clive bunker on drums, Bimbo Acock on sax and flute, Rod Edwards keyboards and possibly Ed Spence but can't swear to it.

Happy days.

Be well all and till next month when I'll report on the Tewkesbury concert with Rick, Oliver and Arthur Wakeman and Carrie Martin ....xx

Photo by Bill Sandalls