Welcome to the website of Gordon Giltrap MBE

copy photographer Jeff Cooper

Photo by Jeff Cooper

Ritchie Blackmore from Deep Purple and Blackmore's Night says:

"Anyone who asks me knows, that I think that Gordon Giltrap is one of the best acoustic guitar players in the world.

He gave me lots of hints on how to approach the acoustic guitar as opposed to the electric guitar.

He was always way ahead of his time. His concerts and playing are breathtaking. He's also very witty, and I love the fact that he has not cut his hair!"


Rick Wakeman and Gordon Giltrap From Brush and Stone

now on Vinyl release date 25th Oct 24, pre-order now.

“From Brush & Stone” is a studio album by guitarist Gordon Giltrap and keyboardist Rick Wakeman. The album is the first opportunity to record together for Gordon Giltrap and Rick Wakeman. Both are longtime friends who have been on separate musical paths for forty years until this release in 2010.

You can watch a YouTube interview with Rick and Gordon HERE

Read the full article on the News page HERE


Discussion Forum

Sadly we have had to close down the discussion forum as it was under repeated cyber attack and the amount of traffic risked overwhelming the servers. In view of the limited amount of user postings over the last year or so we decided to pull the plug completely. Apologies if this was a feature of the site that you enjoyed. The end of an era. You can of course interact with Gordon via Facebook or using the contact form on the website.

UPDATE MARCH 2023, New limited edition LP available.

Full info Here Scattered Chapters LP | Gordon Giltrap

Gordon Giltrap & Paul Ward SCATTERED CHAPTERS vinyl LP - Psychotron Records

Scattered Chapters

Saturday July 23rd 2022 marks the release of what I believe to be the most significant and important project of my career thus far. SCATTERED CHAPTERS is a dynamic multimedia project created during lockdown. It takes the form of a brand new Gordon Giltrap and Paul Ward album, alongside a beautiful book published by Wymer Publishing.

The book features short stories written by world famous award winning composer, guitarist and author Nicholas Hooper, a man who has composed music for over 250 films the most well-known being scores for two HARRY POTTER films. Nick is also a self-published author and was deeply inspired by the back stories that inspired the music.

The book also contains details of individual artwork from some of the most exciting artists working in the UK today. Each of them was captivated by the project and the end result is a stunning array of paintings, ceramics, glass art and jewellery reflecting the stories and the tunes, all faithfully reproduced in the book.

Now onto the CD released on Psychotron Records. There are 18 compositions in all. Three of the pieces are the creations of Paul Ward and the remainder are mine. There is an orchestral version of an early GG tune and a reworked Celtic flavoured version of my classic “Heartsong” featuring the pipes and whistles of John Devine. Special guests on the album are Jenny Hanley, spoken word. Ian Mosley of Marillion, drums. Rod Edwards, keyboard arrangements. Nick Hooper, guitar.

A 25 minute documentary created by Mark and Jane Day of FluidFox about the project will also find its place on YouTube.

An exhibition of the work will run for one month from the launch date at Artifex the largest individual art gallery and craft centre in the UK. Special thanks to Nigel Bates for curating the whole thing. All the original artwork will be for sale!

Read more about the project and watch the video HERE

Janschology notes

Way back in 2000 I released a six track CD entitled Janschology. This was my way of paying homage to the profound influence that Bert Jansch had on my playing. I would even goes as far as to say that his first album was life changing for this 17 year old fledgling guitarist!

I can count on the fingers and thumb of one hand the guitarists that influenced me. Starting out with Hank Marvin, then The Beatle’s George Harrison, followed by Pete Townshend, Bert Jansch, and finally John Renbourn. All markedly individual players.

Bert really was the main one for me at that time.

I recently received a request from the Bert Jansch Foundation, of which I am a patron to see whether I had any thoughts as to how I could mark the tragic passing of Bert and his beloved wife Loren 10 years ago. 2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the tragic passing of Bert and Loren. To this end I decided to re-release my 2000 CD “Janschology,” this time on line as a download and including the recording I did for a video to let the world hear how beautiful my new ‘Baby Fylde' sounded on this brand new recording of “Loren.” This is a personal tribute to a beautiful and remarkable lady who devoted the last years of her life to Bert and his career. She made sure that his legacy remained iron clad. In a similar way my own lovely wife Hilary has steadfastly supported all my endeavours over the past 35 years. Both remarkable and strong women.

It was my privilege to perform 'Loren' at a tribute concert to Bert at the Festival Hall a few years ago. I was determined to remind people of the great woman behind the great man.

The photo on the cover of the re-released Janschology was taken by Hilary at their wedding. Since lockdown Hilary has spent months sorting out photos. I was personally at a loss as to finding the right image for the cover, and literally minutes after discussing a cover idea with Mark Soden of MirrorNoir I walked into the office and there on the desk was a pile of photographs taken by Hilary on Bert and Loren’s wedding day. They had just surfaced from the hundreds of pics we have. The chosen image was not only beautiful but perfect for the cover and is of course copyright free!! Well done beloved Hilary. xxx

The CD should be available on /about the 29th of November 2021 from MirrorNoir records.

Zoom / Skype / Facetime Lesson Sessions

Paul Roberts

Paul is a fine guitar coach and has been very supportive of me over the past few years and has offered to be the conduit for my future online guitar teaching. Previously I mentioned offering my services as a session player on folks recording projects. I'm now offering online guitar lessons. Anyone interested should contact Paul at the email and phone number listed below and he will give you all the terms and information you require. He will then liaise with me and schedule sessions and see if 'Zoom, Skype or Facetime' is the best option for us to use.

All you need to do is get in touch and let him know what your specific needs are and arrange a mutually agreed time and we can make this happen. Obviously pieces to be learnt will be taken from the current list of files available for my compositions. The other alternative is for me to give advice on techniques or players' own creativity and I shall help in any way I can to hopefully unlock and ignite that creative spark within them.

Should you wish to purchase Guitar sessions with me as a gift for someone else, Paul will provide the details.

Below is a nice testimonial from Ian one of my students on the ZOOM lessons I have just embarked on.

I hope that many more of you will feel confident enough to take the plunge and join me on line for a lesson or two. Half hour, three quarters of an hour and one hour are the options. Most find that half hour chunks work well and give folk enough time to take in all the salient points of the lesson and then go away and practise. Filming certain sections on their phones is also a great aid de memoir!!! Tab is of course sent well in advance before the allotted lesson day.

I feel that teaching is an equal part to my performing and composing life. I feel sure that the time spent will encourage students to create their own pieces, hopefully inspired by the lessons.

All enquiries about online guitar sessions should be made to Paul Roberts at pcrguitar@gmail.com or call him direct on 07860 648068

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you face to face online.

Eye of the Wind

The Eye of the Wind Rhapsody can now be downloaded on all the digital platforms. I have already had a very favourable response from folk who have heard it, all we need now is for Classic FM to pick up on it. Dream on Giltrap I hear you cry!

The good news is that all the parts including the master-score have been lovingly restored in digital format by my good friend Adam Parrish and is available FREE OF CHARGE to any orchestras out there who wish to perform it. Just contact our beloved webmaster Sue Holton via the contact page, and she will make that happen for you.

My sincere thanks go to Adam for this labour of love that the dear chap spent literally months on and off in between his busy musical life to make sure everything is in perfect working order, (if one can apply that to the written word) for orchestra leaders and managers to acquire painlessly in readiness for performance.

Heartsong for Brass Band.

A few years back I had contact with the legendary Brighouse and Rastrick Brass Band. One of their members Mr Leigh Baker expressed an interest in arranging Heartsong for Brass band. This is now available to download FREE OF CHARGE for any interested parties to perform.

I am making no charge for the access to the scores for both pieces. It is just my wish that this music be out there for people to perform and enjoy.

If you represent an orchestra or band that would be potentially interested in performing either of these pieces just drop a quick email introducing yourself to Sue Holton at ggiltrap@gmail.com and she will arrange for you to download the scores.

Tracy Sollis Leukaemia Trust

It has been my pleasure and privilege to be a patron of the Tracy Sollis Leukaemia Trust for over twenty years now, and during that time the charity has raised a small fortune being put to outstanding benefits to patients afflicted with this terrible cancer.

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Every year I do a fundraising concert, usually over the Easter period at The Fleece in Bretforton just outside Evesham in a medieval 500 year old barn. Each year Hilary and I look forward very much to this small but special event to celebrate the life of this remarkable young girl whose life was so tragically cut short.

On our new Charity Page you will find information about the charity and how you can help further the work of Tracy's mother Sue Sollis who has raised literally thousands from her unstinting downright hard work.

She should be on the honours list for the work she has done to help find a cure for Leukaemia and also to raise money to buy equipment for her local hospital. A truly great human being.

Read the News Update pages for extra details on these items and more.

You will read it first here on the website, but make sure you don't miss anything by signing up for Gordon's email newsletter "Airwaves" Click the link in the column to your right.