General News
January 2025 News Update
Wednesday, January 1, 2025

I would like to wish you all a very happy and peaceful New Year and trust that Christmas was kind to you.
This is going to be a short news page this month with December being a fairly quiet month.
Christmas has always been a bittersweet affair for me apart from being a special time for children and marking the birth of the Christ child.
Two years ago on December 30th my Hilary passed away so the grieving process is always there, sometimes in the background and of course it's never far away as anyone who has lost a loved one (and we all have at times) understands.
Nicko McBrain news
I was sad to hear that my dear old friend Nicko McBrain is departing from the ranks of Iron Maiden as their supreme drummer for many years. I was very touched to get a name check regarding his very first session as a drummer on my 73 Phonogram album GILTRAP.
Nicko is a lovely larger than life guy and I wish him well in all his other projects including sessions for other people. God Bless ya guv.
Below is the press release that the band put out. Photo above from 2016.
Nicko McBrain Announces Iron Maiden Departure - in Metal News ( Metal )
A night out
Toward the end of December Sue and I attended a wonderful concert at the Warwick Arts Centre where The Albion Band did their Christmas concert. The band were brilliant featuring the two original members being Ashley Hutchings and Simon Nicol. Simon Care on squeeze boxes, the delightful Kelly While and the wonderful Blair Dunlop making a guest appearance in the second half.

New Guitar
I know what you’re thinking folks "not another guitar."
Well, this one was a no brainer. My pal Carrie Martin found it in her local reuser shop for £60. I said, “go for it" and I shall give you the money. The inlay is stunning. It needs setting up and as yet I haven't plugged it in so who knows how it will sound.
I asked on Facebook if anyone could throw any light on it, and the general consensus of opinion is that it's obviously Far East made as and probably by a company called Shine Guitars.
I should think the price tag today would the high hundreds. Whether it will find its way on stage is doubtful but as a work of art it's stunning. Looking closely the polish has cracked in places probably due to have being left somewhere damp but no matter, it is what it is.
At the end of the month, I found myself in a lovely location not from Spalding in Lincolnshire to do some filming for a very exciting project in the form of the definitive box set of numerous GG recordings over the years but more news about that in future news pages.
Anyhoo, God bless, be well stay safe and see you next month.